136 research outputs found

    Grid integration of intermittent renewable energy sources using price-responsive plug-in electric vehicles

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    Plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) are expected to balance the fluctuation of re-newable energy sources (RES). To investigate the contribution of PEVs, the availability of mobile battery storage and the control mechanism for load man-agement are crucial. This study therefore combined the following: a stochastic model to determine mobility behavior, an optimization model to minimize vehicle charging costs and an agent-based electricity market equilibrium model to esti-mate variable electricity prices. The variable electricity prices are calculated based on marginal generation costs. Hence, because of the merit order effect, the electricity prices provide incentives to consume electricity when the supply of renewable generation is high. Depending on the price signals and mobility behavior, PEVs calculate a cost minimizing charging schedule and therefore balance the fluctuation of RES. The analysis shows that it is possible to limit the peak load using the applied control mechanism. The contribution of PEVs to improving the integration of intermittent renewable power generation into the grid depends on the characteristic of the RES generation profile. For the Ger-man 2030 scenario used here, the negative residual load was reduced by 15 to 22 percent and the additional consumption of negative residual load was be-tween 34 and 52 percent. --Plug-in electric vehicles,demand-side management,variable prices,intermittent generation

    Vehicle-to-grid regulation based on a dynamic simulation of mobility behavior

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    This study establishes a new approach to analyzing the economic impacts of vehicle-to-grid (V2G) regulation by simulating the restrictions arising from un-predictable mobility requests by vehicle users. A case study for Germany using average daily values (in the following also called the "static" approach) and a dynamic simulation including different mobility use patterns are presented. Comparing the dynamic approach with the static approach reveals a significant difference in the power a vehicle can offer for regulation and provides insights into the necessary size of vehicle pools and the possible adaptations required in the regulation market to render V2G feasible. In a first step, the regulation of primary, secondary and tertiary control is ana-lyzed based on previous static methods used to investigate V2G and data from the four German regulation areas. It is shown that negative secondary control is economically the most beneficial for electric vehicles because it offers the high-est potential for charging with 'low-priced' energy from negative regulation. In a second step, a new method based on a Monte Carlo simulation using stochastic mobility behavior is applied to look at the negative secondary control market in more detail. Our simulation indicates that taking dynamic driving behavior into account results in a 40% reduction of the power available for regulation. Be-cause of the high value of power in the regulation market this finding has a strong impact on the resulting revenues. Further, we demonstrate that, for the data used, a pool size of 10,000 vehicles seems reasonable to balance the var-iation in driving behavior of each individual. In the case of the German regula-tion market, which uses monthly bids, a daily or hourly bid period is recom-mended. This adaptation would be necessary to provide individual regulation assuming that the vehicles are primarily used for mobility reasons and cannot deliver the same amount of power every hour of the week. --

    Optimizing the charge profile: Considering users' driving profiles

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    PHEVs are discussed controversially. On the one hand, the evolutionary approach of a hybrid vehicle helps the consumer to adopt to electric driving, using the range extender when driving longer distances. On the other hand, PHEVs have a more complex propulsion system and a potentially low emission impact due to a low electric driving share. These factors, however, strongly depend on the consumers' driving and charging behavior. Therefore, this paper simulates realistic driving based on the national German travel survey. Firstly, battery profiles are modeled using further information about parking locations, charging scenarios, as well as different battery sizes. Secondly, total costs of different alternative vehicles are calculated and minimized varying the battery size. According to the simulation, PHEVs are less expensive and thus important for market adoption. High electric driving shares of more than 80% allow fair emission reductions. And for the few longer trips, PHEVs can use the fall-back option of the internal combustion engine. PHEVs thus do not require an oversized battery and are thus more economical. In the early market, PHEVs will be equipped with smaller batteries; and with higher market share, require customization of the battery size for different customer segments and vehicle types. --

    Evaluation of European electric vehicle support schemes

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    Electric vehicles can reduce carbon dioxide emissions, increase energy efficiency, and help to reduce the dependency on oil imports. However, today's technical and economic challenges are preventing mass-market adoption. In order to create an early market and support economies of scale in production, some European countries have already established support schemes. This research study aims to provide an overview of the existing support schemes in Europe and to assess them using four criteria: effectiveness, efficiency, practicability, and political acceptance. The study concludes with an impact analysis of today's economic support schemes which considers the total costs of ownership. While one-time support schemes help to reduce the large initial investments for EVs, recurring instruments are often more effective and efficient but also smaller in volume. The comparison of the different regional incentive schemes reveals that EVs today are only economically attractive in Denmark and Norway, but at relatively high prices. Thus, regulators need to increase the volume and efficiency of the support schemes, establish high scoring instruments, and align these on a European scale. In addition, non-monetary support, e.g. free-parking, can help to overcome technical or smaller economic hurdles. --

    Optimizing plug-in electric vehicle charging in interaction with a small office building

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    This paper considers the integration of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) in micro-grids. Extending a theoretical framework for mobile storage connection, the economic analysis here turns to the interactions of commuters and their driving behavior with office buildings. An illustrative example for a real office building is reported. The chosen system includes solar thermal, photovoltaic, combined heat and power generation as well as an array of plug-in electric vehicles with a combined aggregated capaci-ty of 864 kWh. With the benefit-sharing mechanism proposed here and idea-lized circumstances, estimated cost savings of 5% are possible. Different pricing schemes were applied which include flat rates, demand charges, as well as hourly variable final customer tariffs and their effects on the operation of intermittent storage were revealed and examined in detail. Because the plug-in electric vehicle connection coincides with peak heat and electricity loads as well as solar radiation, it is possible to shift energy demand as desired in order to realize cost savings. --Battery storage,building management systems,dispersed storage and generation,electric vehicles,load management,microgrid,optimization methods,power system economics,road vehicle electric propulsion

    Variable Stromtarife aus Kundensicht: Akzeptanzstudie auf Basis einer Conjoint-Analyse

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    Das Energiewirtschaftsgesetz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland schreibt Energieversorgern vor, bis Ende 2010 lastabhängige und/oder zeitvariable Stromtarife anzubieten. Bisher ist jedoch noch wenig über die Einschätzung dieser Tarifmodelle durch die Konsumenten bekannt. Jedoch nur wenn solche flexiblen Tarife neben den Anforderungen der Energieversorgungsunternehmen (EVU) auch den Bedürfnissen der Kunden Rechnung tragen, können die gewünschten Effekte Lastverlagerung und Energieeinsparung realisiert werden. Die vorliegende Studie ermittelt deshalb Konsumentenpräferenzen in Bezug auf entsprechende Stromtarife auf Basis einer Conjoint-Analyse mit 160 Befragten. Dieses Verfahren erlaubt es, von der Beurteilung ganzer Produktkonzepte auf die Nutzenwerte einzelner Merkmalsausprägungen zu schließen. D. h. im vorliegenden Fall, die Attraktivität der einzelnen Tarifkomponenten zu bestimmen. Die Ergebnisse liefern konkrete Hinweise für die Gestaltung von Tarifmodellen. Die Analyse zeigt, dass Stromkunden einen statischen Tarif bevorzugen, und dass der Nutzen für die Kunden mit steigendem Grad der Dynamik des Tarifs, d.h. der Häufigkeit und Regelmäßigkeit der Schwankung des kWh-Preises, abnimmt. Darüber hinaus wird eine geringe Schwankungsbreite des Preises je kWh gegenüber einer höheren Schwankungsbreite bevorzugt. Für das Lastmanagements bevorzugen die Befragten programmierbare Haushaltsgeräte, die automatisch auf Preissignale reagieren gegenüber einer manuellen Steuerung. Insgesamt weisen die Ergebnisse somit daraufhin, dass eine breite Einführung variabler Tarife vermutlich nur in Kombination mit einer automatischen Steuerung zu positiven Effekten führen kann, da die Konsumenten statische Tarife bevorzugen, mit denen der Umgang im Alltag einfacher ist. --Variable Stromtarife,Lastverschiebung,Kundenakzeptanz,Smart Home

    Induktives Laden von Elektromobilen - Eine techno-ökonomische Bewertung

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    In den bisher diskutierten Konzepten zur Ladung von Elektrofahrzeugen ist die kabelgebundene (konduktive) Ladung vorherrschend, bei der der Nutzer das Kabel zur Ladung ein- bzw. wieder ausstecken muss. Häufige Ladevorgänge und insbesondere Kurzladungen lassen jedoch dieses Ein- und Ausstecken neben der reduzierten Reichweite des Elektrofahrzeugs unpraktisch in der Nutzung erscheinen. Demgegenüber bietet die induktive (kabellose) Energieübertragung das Laden ohne erforderlichen Nutzereingriff. Der vorliegende Artikel versucht die Fragen zu beantworten, ob ein Einsatz der induktiven Energieübertragung bereits technisch zur Ladung von Elektrofahrzeugen realisierbar ist, und in welchen Bereichen diese eine wirtschaftlich attraktive Lösung für den Nutzer darstellt. Dazu werden zunächst die Ladetechnologien vor- und technisch gegenübergestellt. Auf Basis einer Kostenbetrachtung ist auch ein ökonomischer Vergleich der beiden Ladetechnologien möglich. Es zeigt sich, dass aus wirtschaftlicher Sicht aufgrund signifikanter Mehrkosten vorläufig kein weitverbreiteter Einsatz der induktiven Technik zu erwarten ist. Unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen ergibt sich aber ein begrenztes Anwendungsfeld als Nischentechnologie in bestimmten gewerblichen Bereichen, wie zum Beispiel bei Taxis. --Ladeinfrastruktur,Induktive Ladung,Elektrofahrzeuge/Elektromobilität,Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit,Übertragungswirkungsgrad,Nutzerakzeptanz

    Market diffusion of alternative fuels and powertrains in heavy-duty vehicles: A literature review

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    With about 22%, the transport sector is one of the largest global emitters of the greenhouse gas CO₂. Long-distance road freight transport accounts for a large and rising share within this sector. For this reason, in February 2019, the European Union agreed to introduce CO₂ emission standards following Canada, China, Japan and the United States. One way to reduce CO₂ emissions from long-distance road freight transport is to use alternative powertrains in trucks — especially heavy-duty vehicles (HDV) because of their high mileage, weight and fuel consumption. Multiple alternative fuels and powertrains (AFPs) have been proposed as potential options to lower CO₂ emissions. However, the current research does not paint a clear picture of the path towards decarbonizing transport that uses AFPs in HDVs. The aim of this literature review is to understand the current state of research on the market diffusion of HDVs with alternative powertrains. We present a summary of market diffusion studies of AFPs in HDVs, including their methods, main findings and policy recommendations. We compare and synthesize the results of these studies to identify strengths and weaknesses in the field, and to propose further options to improve AFP HDV market diffusion modelling. All the studies expect AFPs on a small scale in their reference scenarios under current regulations. In climate protection scenarios, however, AFPs dominate the market, indicating their positive effect on CO₂ reduction. There is a high degree of uncertainty regarding the emergence of a superior AFP technology for HDVs. The authors of this review recommend more research into policy measures, and that infrastructure development and energy supply should be included in order to obtain a holistic understanding of modelling AFP market diffusion for HDVs

    Sector coupling technologies in gas, electricity, and heat networks: Competition or synergy?

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    Current investment in distribution networks for electricity, gas, and heat is high, and the distribution networks play a prominent role in the necessary transformation of the energy system. This paper provides insights into the relationship between residential end-user decisions on heat supply and their effect on infrastructure planning. Therefore, the gas, electricity, and heat networks are analyzed together. After a review of the characteristics of the networks, the most common sector coupling technologies are compared economically and environmentally. The results show that, under the assumptions made, heat pumps are the cheapest option for residential end-users in the long run. This raises the question of whether a parallel development of three different infrastructures for the heat supply of buildings is the best path to a successful energy transition.Die derzeitigen Investitionen in die Verteilnetze für Strom, Gas und Wärme sind hoch und die Verteilnetze spielen eine bedeutende Rolle bei der notwendigen Transformation des Energiesystems. Diese Arbeit gibt Einblicke in den Zusammenhang zwischen Entscheidungen privater Endnutzer zur Wärmeversorgung und deren Auswirkungen auf die Infrastrukturplanung. Dafür werden die Gas-, Strom- und Wärmenetze gemeinsam analysiert. Nach einem Überblick über die Charakteristika der Netze werden die gängigsten Sektorkopplungstechnologien ökonomisch und ökologisch verglichen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass unter den getroffenen Annahmen Wärmepumpen langfristig die kostengünstigste Option für private Endnutzer sind. Dies wirft die Frage auf, ob eine parallele Entwicklung von drei verschiedenen Infrastrukturen zur Wärmeversorgung von Gebäuden der beste Weg hin zu einer erfolgreichen Energiewende ist
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